1878 | Stalham Farmers' Club | Leading speakers from the agricultural industry.



It was unanimously carried that long muck was best for the root crop.

Mr R Cooke was unanimously voted to the chair for the ensuing year and Mr W Slipper to continue the secretaryship.

Disimbursements of secretary from 1877. 200 postcards, 13/6d.

Members proposed

Mr W Cubitt, proposed by Mr W Deynes, also Mr Alfred Larner. Mr Gladden seconded both gentlemen.

Discussions for next meeting – The best way to economise labour, proposed by Mr Cubitt also whether it is more beneficial to plough deep or fleet for wheat.


Absentees - Mr S Neale, Mr AR Gibbs, Hickling; Mr W Deynes, Mr W Salmon,

Mr E Slipper, Mr W S Chapman, Mr G Dawson, Mr B S Slipper, Mr H Fitt, Mr A G Gibbs, Worstead, Mr W Whittleton, Mr R G Johnson, Mr J G Riches.

New members proposed

Mr G R Johnson, proposed Mr French, seconded Mr Worts.

Mr Charles Littlewood, proposed Mr Gladden, seconded Mr Faulke.

Mr Arthur Borrett, proposed Mr Worts, seconded Mr Cubitt.

Mr Mann, proposed Mr Cooke, seconded Mr E Silcock.

Elected – Mr W Cubitt and Mr Alfred Larner were unanimously voted in.

Proposed by Mr Silcock and seconded, Mr G Gladden, that the best thanks of this club be given to Mr William Cubitt for his very able paper on “The best means of economising manual labour on the farm” and that the same be recorded in the minutes of the Club.

Mr Coustos suggested subjects for the October meeting.

It should be taken into consideration the hours of rest to be taken in the noon hour.

The economy of labour and to build cottages for labourers.


Absentees - Mr S Neal, Mr AG Gibbs, Mr W Salmon, Mr R Cooke, jnr, Mr B C Silcock, Mr W Thompson, Mr A Borrett, Mr C Harvey, Mr R Lacey, Mr W S Chapman, Mr W Faulke, Mr G Dawson, Mr J Clements, Mr Walter Whittleton, Mr B S Slipper, Mr W Durrell, Mr J Slipper, Mr J Durrell, Mr S Boyce, Mr Coustos, Mr A G Gibbs, Worstead; Mr C Gaze, Mr William Whittleton, Mr French, Mr R G Johnson, Mr G Beck, Mr G Gedge and Mr A Larner.

Sweepstakes for root prizes

The following paid 1s: Mr R Cooke, snr, (also 2/6d entrance fee); Mr W Slipper, Mr W Cubitt, Mr G Gladden, Mr C Littlewood, Mr A Ladbroke, Mr J Worts (also 2/6d entrance fee), Mr H Fitt, Mr W Deynes, Mr H Hacon (2/6d extra), Mr W Faulke (2/6d extra), Mr J Slipper (2/6d extra). Total, £1 4s 6d – ie, 12 x 1s plus 12/6d.

Judges of  the root competition – Mr George Beck (Ridlington); Mr G Gedge (Honing) and Mr J Rurrell (East Ruston).

If the above fail to serve, the following members have consented to do so – Mr W Cubitt, Mr G Gladden and Mr C Littlewood.

The following were unanimously voted in as members of this Club – Mr G R Johnson, Mr C Littlewood, Mr Arthur Borrett and Mr Mann.

New members proposed.

Mr M (Matthew) Neave, proposed Mr Ladbroke, seconded Mr Hacon.

Mr W Cubitt suggested we should pay more attention to our boys and young men in pushing them forward and encouraging them to take more interest in the work of the farm.



Mr S Neal, Mr W Salmon, Mr R Cooke, jnr, Mr E Slipper, Mr W Thompson, Mr A Borrett, Mr G Dawson, Mr A R Gibbs, Worstead, Mr Walter Whittleton, Mr R G Johnson,  Mr A Learner, Mr G R Johnson, Mr C Littlewood.

Root prizes to be awarded

Mangel – 1 Mr J Worts 8s; 2 Mr R Cooke, snr 4s.

Swedes – Mr H Hacon 8s; 2 Mr R Cooke, snr 4s.

Mr R Cooke leaves in the hands of the secretary 4s towards the turnip prizes for 1879.

Mr R Cooke proposed a vote of thanks to the judges for their services which was unanimously carried. It was suggested by the judges that a separate prize should be offered for long and globe mangels.

Members proposed

Mr S Clarke, proposed Mr Hacon, seconded Mr Fitt.

Mr Matthew Neave was unanimously elected in.